The Strand Study Bible




The promise of death to King Ahaziah II Kings 1:4,16 (892 BC)

That year, King Ahaziah died II Kings 1:17 (892 BC)

From that day until now, that stream still flows near Jericho II Kings 2:22 (c. 890 BC) Around 9 months later, a son was born II Kings 4:17 (c. 889 BC)

The promise of continuous water to flow near Jericho II Kings 2:21 (c. 890 BC)

The promise of a son II Kings 4:16 (c. 890 BC) The promise to feed everyone II Kings 4:43 (c. 889 BC)

That day, everyone was fed II Kings 4:44 (c. 889 BC) That day, Naaman was healed II Kings 5:14 (c. 886 BC)

The promise of healing for Naaman II Kings 5:10 (c. 886 BC) The promise of a seven-year famine II Kings 8:1 (c. 886 BC)

For the next seven years, there was a famine II Kings 8:2 (from c. 886-880 BC) The next day, there was an abundance of food II Kings 7:16 (c. 880 BC)

The promise of food II Kings 7:1 (c. 880 BC)

The promise of death to a man II Kings 7:2 (c. 880 BC)

The next day, the man died II Kings 7:17 (c. 880 BC)

The promise of King Benhadad II’s death and Hazael’s reign II Kings 8:10 (c. 880 BC) The promise that Hazael will do evil to Israel II Kings 8:12 (c. 880 BC) The promise to destroy King Ahab’s seed II Kings 9:7-9 (879 BC) The promise of death to Queen Jezebel II Kings 9:10 (879 BC) The promise of death to King Jehu’s seed after four generations II Kings 10:30 (879 BC) The promise to defeat Syria three times II Kings 13:19 (c. 830 BC)

The next day, Benhadad II died and Hazael reigned in his place II Kings 8:15 (c. 880 BC) From that year on, Hazael tormented Israel II Kings 10:32 & 13:3 (c. 880-835 BC) That day, Jehu destroyed King Ahab’s seed II Kings 10:10,11,17 (879 BC) 115 years later, the last of Jehu’s descendants reigned II Kings 15:10,12 (764 BC) That year, Israel defeated Syria three times II Ki 13:25 (c. 830 BC) Around 12 years later, Assyria was defeated II Kings 19:35,36 (701 BC) Around 124 years later, Judah and Jerusalem fell to Babylon II Kings 25 (586 BC) Around 105 years later, Hezekiah’s descendants became eunuchs over in Babylon Dan 1:3 (605 BC) 20 years later, Sennacherib was murdered II Kings 19:37 (681 BC) Around 11 years later, Judah and Jerusalem fell to Babylon II Kings 25 (586 BC) Around 37 years later, Judah and Jerusalem fell to Babylon II Kings 25 (586 BC) 14 years later, Josiah died at peace with God II Kings 23:29,30 (609 BC) That night, Assyria was defeated II Kings 19:35,36 (701 BC) That day, Jehu killed Queen Jezebel II Kings 9:33,36 (879 BC)

The promise of defeat to Assyria II Kings 20:6 (c. 713 BC)

The promise of Judah and Jerusalem’s fall to Babylon II Kings 20:17 (c. 710 BC)

The promise of captivity to King Hezekiah’s descendants II Kings 20:18 (c. 710 BC)

The promise of defeat to Assyria II Kings 19:7,28-34 (701 BC) The promise of Sennacherib’s death II Kings 19:7 (701 BC)

The promise of Judah and Jerusalem’s fall to Babylon II Kings 21:13,14 (697 BC)

The promise of Judah and Jerusalem’s fall to Babylon II Kings 22:16,17,19,20 & 23:27 (623 BC)

The promise of King Josiah to die in peace II Kings 22:20 (623 BC)


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