The Strand Study Bible




The promise of a resurrected body for OT saints Job 14:14,15 & 19:26,27 (c. 1625 BC)

To be fulfilled right before the Millennium Rev 20:4 To be fulfilled at Christ’s Second Coming Rev 19:11-21

The promise of Christ’s Second Coming Job 19:25 (c. 1625 BC)

NOTES OF INTEREST IN JOB JOB is quoted in the NT 1 time.

1. Job 5:13

- I Cor 3:19

THE CHARACTER OF JOB Job was considered by God to be the finest MESSIANIC believer on the face of the earth during his day. Job was considered to be: * Perfect (Job 1:1,8 & 2:3) - Job was mature in his obedience * Upright (Job 1:1,8 & 2:3) - Job did right in public because he was right in private * One who feared God (Job 1:1,8 & 2:3 & 31:23) - Job obeyed God’s Word * One who eschewed evil (Job 1:1,8 & 2:3) - Job avoided evil (I Thess 5:22) * One who sanctified his children (Job 1:5) - Job set his children apart for God * One who offered sacrifices continually (Job 1:5) - Job showed others around him who the SAVIOR was * One who worshipped (Job 1:20) - Job gave God the glory despite his circumstances * Humble (Job 1:21 & 13:26 & 31:33) - Job realized his human fraility * Wise (Job 1:22) - Job did not charge God foolishly despite his circumstances * A man of integrity (Job 2:3,9-10 & 31:6-8) - Job was always conscious of doing what was right * A teacher (Job 4:3) - Job took time to teach others * Strong (Job 4:3) - Job was strong enough to strengthen others * Encouraging (Job 4:4) - Job encouraged himself so he could encourage others (Josh 1:6) * A lover of God’s Word (Job 23:11-12 & 31:24-28) - Job loved the Word of God more than money or food * A man of respect (Job 29:7-11,21-25) - Job was looked up to * A lover of the unlovely (Job 29:12-16 & 31:16-22,32) - Job cared for those for whom no one cared * One who stood for right (Job 29:17) - Job took an open stand against wrong * Spiritual (Job 30:25 & 42:7-10) - Job was willing to restore those who had fallen (Gal 6:1) * A man of character (Job 31:1,9-12) - Job was morally pure * Honest (Job 31:5,39) - Job took advantage of no one * One who was not a respector of persons (Job 31:13-23) - Job treated everyone fairly

* One who was not Worldly (Job 31:24-25) - Job rejected materialism * One who was true to God (Job 31:26-28) - Job rejected idolatry

* One who was not vengeful (Job 31:29-30) - Job dealt kindly with his enemies * Meek (Job 31:29-30) - Job did not take revenge on his enemies (Num 12:1-3) * A man who stayed right with God (Job 31:33 & 42:1-6) - Job confessed his sins immediately (I Jn 1:9) * Independent of men (Job 31:34) - Job did not follow the crowd (Exo 23:2)


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