Winter/Spring 2020 Parks and Recreation Activities Brochure

CARDS AND CANDY Grandparents and grandkids can decorate Valentine's Day cards for family members together at this fun event. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Dates Time Cost Code Sat Feb. 8 10-11:15 a.m. $5 YP 208 Registration deadline: Saturday, Feb. 1


2ND ANNUAL FATHER SON NERF DERBY This event is sure to be a blast as the boys face off on the court with some fast-paced Nerf battles. All equipment, including snacks and refreshments, will be provided. Participants should wear athletic clothing and tennis shoes. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Dates Time Ages Cost Code Fri March 27 6:30-8 p.m. 6+ w/parent $5/per child PYSE 327 Registration deadline: Monday, March 23 EASTER EGG HUNT & CANDY GRAB SATURDAY, APRIL 4 - 11 A.M. SHAKOPEE COMMUNITY CENTER/MUENCHOW FIELDS

Mark your calendar to join the Easter Bunny at the annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department and JCI Shakopee. There will be FREE egg hunts by age, activities and crafts, games and more. Be sure to bring your Easter basket and camera. This event is scheduled to take place outdoors, weather permitting. If inclement weather, the event will be moved inside. Please be on time as the egg hunt is over quickly!


Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure Winter-Spring 2020

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