The Gavel Fall 2018

The Gavel Fall 2018

Stand Down Event


Keirnan Foster, District Manager II &

Court Services

Nicole Owens, Operations Supervisor II

Serving the largest county in the contiguous United States comes with its fair share of challenges and significant obstacles for access to justice.

On September 28, 2018, our court resolved 25 misdemeanor and infraction cases at the 4 th Annual Homeless and At-Risk Veterans Stand Down event held at the March Airforce Base in Riverside. The Stand Down is an event that is held in cities all over the nation to provide food, clothing, services and referrals to homeless veterans. The name “Stand Down” comes from a term used in times of war, where exhausted combat units were required to take time to rest and recover. Now, Stand Down refers to community-based intervention programs designed to help homeless veterans “combat” life on the streets. The event brings comprehensive services to homeless and at-risk veterans under one roof. Services include housing, employment, medical and dental care, clothing, meals, benefits, resources and legal services. At the Stand Down event, Judge Uhler presided over a specialty homeless calendar with assistance from court staff who researched cases, captured minutes and gave information on court processes and services, including self-help and child support assistance. With the assistance from the Riverside County Veterans Court and the Riverside Public Defender’s Office, the court 16 walk-in homeless and at-risk veterans . In all, the Stand Down assisted

Big Bear District Becoming

‘Model Court’ for RVP

Debanie Comeaux District Manager II &

Amber Lewis, District Manager I

On November 9, the Big Bear Courthouse expanded remote video proceedings (RVP) to include misdemeanor modifications. The expansion of RVP is partly due to the huge implementation success at the Needles District in July 2018. a ‘model court’ for remote services, hosting demonstrations and courthouse tours for the Monterey and Orange County Superior Courts. Expanding remote video proceedings is aligned with our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan to leverage cost-effective technology solutions to increase access to justice. Since implementing RVP, the Big Bear District has become

230 homeless

event assisted over

veterans .

“Veterans have

dedicated their lives to

our country. I am very

proud of the court’s

effort to show

gratitude towards

Staff at the Big Bear Courthouse

them on this one day.”

Honorable Ingrid Uhler


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