EQUITY THRESHOLDS THAT MUST BE DISCLOSED TO THE COMPANY PER THE COMPANY BY-LAWS (Excerpt from Article 7 of the Company by-laws) Apart from the duty to notify the Company of share ownership, any individual or legal entity who should possess directly or indirectly a number of shares representing a fraction equal to or greater than 2% of the share capital or voting rights of the Company must so inform the Company in writing, within four trading days of crossing this threshold, stating the total number of shares and of voting rights in his, her or its possession at the date of that declaration. Above the aforementioned threshold of 2% the same duty to declare referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply, with the same time frame and in the same manner, each time another 1% threshold in share capital or voting rights is crossed, and this shall include declaration thresholds provided in law and regulations. For purposes of applying these provisions, the shares or voting rights possessed shall be the shares and voting rights listed in Article L. 233-9-I of the French Commercial Code. Should a shareholder fail to perform this duty to inform provided in the By-laws, that shareholder will be deprived of voting rights for those shares that exceed the fraction that ought to have been declared, if at the time of a Shareholders’ General Meeting, the failure to declare having been noted, one or more shareholders holding among them at least 5% of the share capital so request and place that request in the minutes of that meeting. The loss of voting rights will continue for any Shareholders’ Meeting held until a period of two years has expired from the time a proper declaration has been made. There are no other clauses in the By-laws limiting voting rights. (Article 7 of the Company by-laws) The Company is entitled, under the applicable laws and regulations, to request information on the identity of the holders of securities granting immediate or future voting rights at its Shareholders’ Meetings and the number of voting rights held. RESTRICTIONS ATTACHED TO EXISTING SHARES (Article 8 of the Company by-laws) In addition to the statutory voting rights attached to the shares, each share entitles its holder to a fractional share of the Company’s profits and liquidation surplus equal to the fraction of the issued capital represented by the share. All shares rank pari passu as regards taxation. As a result, they entitle their holders to the same net amount, based on their par value and cum-rights date, for any allocation or return of capital during the Company’s life or its liquidation. RIGHTS, PREFERENCES AND IDENTITY OF SHAREHOLDERS


(Articles 9 and 10 of the Company by-laws) For any details concerning the management and supervisory bodies, please refer to Chapter 3 above.


(Summary of Article 11 of the Company by-laws) The special guidelines about the participation of shareholders in the Shareholders’ Meetings are given in Article 11 of the Company by-laws, concerning Shareholders’ General Meetings. Meetings are held at the registered office or at any other venue indicated in the Notice of meeting. Fully paid-up shares registered in the name of the same holder for at least two years shall carry double voting rights at Shareholders’ Meetings. Remote voting may be used in accordance with the terms and conditions set down in the applicable laws and regulations. Shareholders may send their proxy and postal voting forms either in paper form or, by electronic communication, including via the Internet. The formalities for attending the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 24 April 2018 are set out in the Notice of meeting published at least 35 days before the meeting in the Bulletin d’Annonces Légales Obligatoires and on the Group’s website. Every shareholder may attend the Shareholders’ Meetings upon evidence that his/her shares are held in a registered account or in bearer form by an authorised intermediary at midnight (Paris time) of the second business day preceding the meeting. Note that Internet voting has been arranged for the 2018 Shareholders’ General Meeting.


(Summary of Article 12 of the Company by-laws) Each financial year shall cover a 12-month period commencing on 1 January and ending on 31 December. The distributable profit as defined by law is at the disposal of the Shareholders’ General Meeting. Apart from exceptions resulting from the law, the Shareholders’ General Meeting makes the final decision as to its appropriation.



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