Cross-reference table on the Report of the Managing Board 9.5.1.

This Registration Document includes all of the information in the Report of the Managing Board of the Group and the parent company as provided for in Articles L. 225-100 and L. 225-100-1 of the French Commercial Code. The following table cross-refers each section of the Group’s or the parent company’s Management Report to the corresponding pages of the Registration Document.


Section in Registration Document


Key figures

2 and 3 9 to 20

1.3. Activities and strategy

4.1 Analysis of the business and consolidated operating results

142 to 144 144 to 146

4.2. Financial position and liquidity 4.3. Parent company earnings 5. 2017 consolidated financial statements 6. Peugeot S.A. 2017 financial statements

146 to 148, 157

157 to 240 245 to 264

Business review/Results/Financial position and performance indicators The Company’s use of financial instruments, where material for the assessment of its assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss Description of the main risks and uncertainties Material acquisitions of equity interests in companies with their head office in France

5. 2017 consolidated financial statements (Notes 12 and 13)

201 to 223

1.5. Risk factors

24 to 32

5. 2017 consolidated financial statements (Note 21 List of consolidated companies)

234 to 239

4.6. Recent events and outlook


5. Consolidated financial statements for 2017 (Notes 19 Subsequent Events) 6.4. Peugeot S.A. 2017 financial statements (Note 27) 7.4. Corporate financial instrument markets – Dividends

233 261 281

Subsequent events/Outlook

Dividends paid over the past three years

1.5.2. Financial market risks


Exposure to interest-rate, currency and equity risks

5. Consolidated financial statements for 2017 (Note 13.4) 5. 2017 consolidated financial statements (Notes 15.1.C Treasury shares)

221 to 222

227 to 228

7.2.8. Description of buyback programme 3.2. Compensation of corporate officers


Purchases and sales of treasury shares

125 to 140

5. 2017 consolidated financial statements (Note 7.3 Remuneration of executive managers) 3.1.5. Trading in the Company’s securities by corporate directors and officers and their close relatives

Compensation of corporate officers


Trading in the Company’s shares by management Main functions and directorships held by corporate officers Arrangements which may have a bearing in the event of a takeover bid


3.1. Management and Supervisory Bodies

98 to 124 273 to 276

7.2. Information about the Company’s share capital

7.3. Ownership structure 7.3. Ownership structure


Ownership structure

277 to 278

5. Consolidated financial statements (Note 7.2 Share-based payment) 7.2. Information about the Company’s share capital

185 to 186 273 to 276 277 to 278 35 to 96 33 to 34 149 to 154

Adjustments to the rights of holders of share equivalents

7.3. Ownership structure

2. Corporate social responsibility: actions promoting sustainable development

1.6 Vigilance plan

Social responsibility and environmental information

Research and development activities

4.5. Capital expenditure, research and development

Agreements signed between a subsidiary and a shareholder owning over 10% of its voting rights

4.3. Executive management statement

146 to 148



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