420 1904 (30 July) An incoming postcard from Egypt to Canton, China, bearing Egyptian 2c green, tied by ‘PORT-SAID’ cds, with ‘SINGAPORE.TO.HONG KONG/20.8.04’ transit, ‘CANTON/29.8.04’ arrival cds, fine. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200 421 1905 (10 May) A picture postcard to Belgium, via Siberia, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 1c, tied by single ring ‘PEKING/I.J.P.O’ cds, on front with ‘CHILI/TIENTSIN’ Lunar transit. Photo HK$ 500 - 600
422 1905 (19 May) A red band cover registered to Shanghai, on front bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 2c x 2, each tied by ‘HANGCHOW’ Lunar cds, and ‘R/HANGCHOW/No.3340’ registered frame chop, and ‘KIANGSU/21.5.05’ arrival cds. On reverse with CIP Coiling Dragon 5c, tied by ‘HANGCHOW’ Lunar cds. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800 423 1905 (2 Nov.) A picture postcard sent to Germany, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 2c in pair, tied by bilingual ‘SHANGHAI’ cds, ‘SHANG-HAI/3.11.05’ Fr. P.O transit and Germany arrival cds. Photo HK$ 500 - 600
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