
success of a social media strategy. For example, measuring “retweets” on a Twitter-based campaign is an effective way of measuring the content engagement and gives a clearer picture of the campaign’s audience. Another key consideration in looking at the effectiveness of a strategy is identifying the stakeholders which the metrics are designed to inform. The three principal stakeholders in a company will likely be the PR/communications department, the product/marketing department and management executives. Each of these stakeholders has different function-related considerations and therefore requires a non-standard type of report and differing report frequencies. The PR/communications department needs to know about the penetration into social media (such as the number of followers, friends and views) as well as the social“health”of the company as measured by comments and their “sentiment”. A report for Executive Management would, ideally, demonstrate the quantifiable return on investment and clarify goals set and achieved in order to measure the effectiveness of the social media strategy.


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