Sierra Leone - State of the Marine Environment 2015

Table 3.1: List of sea- and waterbird species groups in the world and Sierra Leone

Number of species

Sierra Leone

World 14 19 38

Family/Order Anatidae/Anseriformes Ciconidae Phalacrocoracidae Sulidae Anhingidae Ardeidae

Common name Ducks, geese and swans Storks Cormorants Boobies and gannets Darters Bitterns, herons and egrets Storm petrels Shearwaters and petrels

7 1 2 1 16

9 4

61 21 75

Hydrobatidae Procellariidae

5 4

Loggerhead ( Caretta caretta ), Leatherback ( Dermochelys coriacea ) and Hawksbill ( Eretmochelys imbricate ). These species nest directly on the beaches mainly in the south, around Turtle and Sherbro islands (Fretey 2001). Turtles in Sierra Leone are reported to be endangered. Nesting sites have been reported along the Peninsula but the expanding tourism industry have driven away much of these species from the beaches. There are three species of Crocodiles: the Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus ), the Slender-snouted Crocodile ( Mecistops cataphractus ) which lives in streams found in the coastal areas for exampleNo II River and theDwarf crocodile ( Osteolaemus tetraspis ) found in mangrove swamps.

congregate around the mouths of rivers and estuaries on mud and sand foreshores which provide good feeding and nesting areas. According to WIWO there are 89 species of marine and coastal birds. Also Sierra Leone lies on the Eastern Atlantic Flyway making it very important internationally. 2 3.6. Turtles and Reptiles Sierra Leone’s coast is home to five species of marine turtles: the Green Olive Ridley ( Lepidochelys olivecea ),



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