
Safety Update




Wins the Safety Race Driving Tips for our HQ Business Parking Lot

Jacquelyn Muller, Public Information Specialist

The Case for Slow Driving

1. Pedestrian Priority:

Our HQ parking lot is a bustling area with employees and visitors walking to and from their vehicles. Driving at a slower pace ensures you have ample time to react to pedestrians, reducing the risk of accidents.

2. Vehicle Visibility:

A slower speed enhances your ability to spot other vehicles, especially in congested areas. It allows for better visibility around corners and minimizes blind spots, decreasing the chances of collisions.

3. Minimizing Distractions:

By driving slowly, you can focus more on the road and your surroundings. Avoid distractions like phone use to ensure your full attention is on the task at hand.

4. Protecting Vehicles:

Slow and cautious driving reduces the risk of accidental collisions, protecting your vehicle and those of your colleagues from unnessecary damgage.

Safety Tips

a. Driving in our parking lot:

Driving safely in campgrounds and parks is also essential to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and other drivers, as well as to preserve the natural environment. Remember, your commitment to safety doesn't end when you park your vehicle. By driving slowly you contribute to a secure environment for everyone.

Obey the speed limit of 5 miles an hour in our parking lots at HQ. Respect any posted speed limits within our parking facility. These limits are set to ensure the safety of everyone using the area. b. Stay Alert and Aware: Be on the lookout for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles. Use mirrors frquently and check blind spots before making any maneuvers. c. Yield to Pedestrians: Always yield the right of way to pedestrians in designated crosswalks. Give them ample time to cross safely. Remember your commitment to safety doesn’t end when you park your vehicle. By driving slowly in our business parking lot, you contribute to a secure enivronment for everyone.

Stay Safe and Drive Responsibly!


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