CDLH 36th Anniversary Spring Gala


joins in honoring

C omptroller t homas p. D i N apoli n ew Y ork s tate


D aisy e xpósito -U lla C hairman /CEO D e xpósito & p artners

D r . J orge l. g arDyN C hiEf E xECutivE O ffiCEr i slanD o ccupational M eDical r esources

We Thank You!

s eNior C oUNCilwomaN D orothy l. g oosby t own of h eMpsteaD

r obert i sakseN L Ong i sLand P rEsidEnt B ank of a Merica

C esar N Uesí L inkagE C OOrdinatOr hiv c irculo De la h ispaniDaD at the c írculo De la h ispaniDaD s pring g ala 2016

1000 Hempstead Ave., PO Box 5002 Rockville Centre, NY 11571-5002 516.323.3000

Founded by the Dominican Sisters of Amityville



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