La Bataille de Prusse 1809

La Bataille pour la Prusse 1806 ©

9:00 Artillery attached to the Guard enters on the road nach Jena in Zone 1

9:40 C2 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2

10:00 Guard Infantry Division enters on the road nach Jena in Zone 1

10:40 C3 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2

11:00 Guard Cavalry Division enters on the road nach Jena in Zone 1

III Corps d’Armee has two choices for entry: either the Straße nach Dornberg or the Straße nach Nerkwitz

If the Dornberg Road is chosen, start the entry at 11:00

If the Nerkwitz Road is chosen, start the entry at 12:00

Roll for one of the following, every 20 minutes, in the following order:  1ere Division

 2e Division  3e Division  Cavalrie  Artillerie

Using the entry variance above

Coalition Starting Positions

Many of the Divisions have assigned starting positions. Those are shown with the leader’s name. A few cavalry brigades and light troops have been specifically assigned to a rectangle. Otherwise all the troops listed on the OB under a division, are started in that division’s rectangle  Leaders and the units artillery must be set-up with their formation  There are some rectangles assigned for leaders and their staffs including the König und Königin. The Reserve Korps Divisions of von Kalkreuth have been given some options as to their set-up. These options are rectangles R1, R2, R3 and R4. The Coalition Player may place one division in one of the “R” rectangles. Their cavalry brigades stay with these divisions. These are not revealed unless:  The units in a rectangle are moved or  A French unit comes within 20 hexes of the rectangle  Use a single marker to represent the division, brigade etc. until one of the two conditions are met

La Bataille de Jena 1806: D'histoire alternative

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