Toothless European Citizenship / Šimon Uradnik

holidays. 126 That is caused, on the basis of J. Zemánek’s argument, by the fact that the European Union itself lacks one binding emotional charisma, wherefore it is internally heterogeneous 127 with only a few unifying narratives. Albeit particular academic research 128 stipulates that institutions may encourage the emergence of the entitative identity through symbols, 129 and albeit the European institutions endeavour that way, Europe and the European Union still remain deeply national patriotist oriented, 130 and citizens of the Union generally do not feel a specific kind of love for the European Union. For these reasons; whilst some foetuses of the emotional component are apparent amongst Union citizens, it is not possible to prove, on the basis of the facts submitted, that the mutual societal attachment would be present in citizenship of the Union since its expressions are far less The second requirement for the genuine link is the presence of shared political interests that, at the same time, corresponds to the action component as the second element of the entitative identity. 131 The issue is observed through two interconnected angles; the descending perspective, from politics towards voters, and the ascending perspective, from voters towards politics; both ones in terms of the European Parliament elections. To the former, the national vs European themes 126 Since2019,EuropeDayhasbeendeclaredapublicholidayinLuxemburg(tothateffect,see accessed 2 nd April 2023) and memorial day in Croatia (to that effect, see accessed 2 nd April 2023). In Germany, Europe day is promulgated as a ‘flag day’ when flags must be displayed on public buildings (to that effect, see accessed 2 nd April 2023). 127 Jiří Zemánek, ‘Unijní občanství a evropská identita’ (2015) 59/2 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 84. 128 Exempli gratia , Michael Bruter, ‘Winning Hearts and Minds for Europe: The Impact of News and Symbols on Civic and Cultural European Identity’ (2003) 36/10 Comparative Political Studies accessed 2 nd April 2023 129 The other actors, who are capable of that, are the media; to that effect, see ibid. 130 Magdaléna Svobodová, Občanství Evropské Unie (Auditorium 2021) 92. 131 See note 115 above. significant than those of a national or regional level. 2.1.2 Action Component: Shared Political Interests


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