Toothless European Citizenship / Šimon Uradnik

That all is elaborated further in the following section. Albeit Union citizenship could not be considered real and effective nationality for the absence of the genuine link, the direct bond may still be the essence which protects an individual from deprivation of citizenship of the Union. And that is the reason why it is assessed further. Figure III. − Real and effective nationality as said by International Court of Justice

Figure IV. − Real and effective nationality according to the author

The theory is constructed on the direct bond being a legal relation between an entity and an individual, for these monograph’s purposes — the legal relation between the European Union and a Union citizen. 157 Tractum of Many Faces: European Citizenship and the Difficult Relationship between Status and Rights’ (2009) 15/2 Columbia Journal of European Law 176. 157 By the same principle, however, without further elaborations as in this monograph regarding two components — the form and the content, W. Worster produced his


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