Toothless European Citizenship / Šimon Uradnik

termination is once again derivative from the nationality of a Member State. 245, 246 Figure VIII. − Termination of Union citizenship

Furthermore, the legal title for the termination of the public legal relationship of Union citizenship has recently been confirmed by the Court of Justice’s judgements in cases regarding the situations of the nationals of the United Kingdom who have sought their lost citizenship of the Union. 247 The Court states that ‘the loss of [Union citizenship] is an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, by virtue 245 Therefore, the author does not agree with W. T. Worster that only the emergence of Union citizenship is derivative since it is also the termination. To that effect, see note 235 above. Neither does the author agree with S. Lashyn, who claims: ‘The wording of those provisions, however, tells nothing about the loss of Union citizenship or its retention.’. For this purpose, see Serhii Lashyn, ‘Sacrificing EU citizenship on the altar of Brexit’, (2022) 29/6 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 736 accessed 10 th June 2023. The author insists that the wording of those provisions does tell, thus, enshrine the legal title for the termination of Union citizenship as a public legal relationship. 246 One might come to a different conclusion if the article at issue is read the way that the specific usage of the wording ‘ shall be a citizen of the Union’ enshrines only the pro futuro emergence and acquisition. That one is W. T. Worster, for this purpose, see note 199 above. Nevertheless, by comparison with other language versions — French: ‘ est citoyen de l‘Union’, German ‘Unionsbürger ist ’, Czech: ‘ je občanem Unie’ — it is more than obvious that it does not enshrine only the acquisition, but the whole institute from the emergence to the termination. 247 To that effect, see Case C-499/21 P Silver and Others v Council [2023] ECLI:EU:C:2023:479; Case C-501/21 P Shindler and Others v Council [2023] ECLI:EU:C:2023:480; Case C-502/21 P Price v Council [2023] ECLI:EU:C:2023:482.


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