Toothless European Citizenship / Šimon Uradnik

Treaty on European Union [1992] OJ C 191 TITLE II Treaty on European Union [1992] OJ C 191 TITLE II in Danish language Treaty on European Union [1992] OJ C 191, Declaration on nationality of a Member State Zákon č. 62/2003 Sb., o volbách do Evropského parlamentu a o změně některých zákonů Other primary sources ACED, ‘A New Treaty and Supplementary Protocols: Explanatory Memorandum’ (7th June 2007) ‘Birmingham Declaration’ (1992) Annex I Commission of the European Communities, ‘Communication from the Commission: A Project for the European Union’ [2002] COM(2002) 247, 3 Contributo del Sig. Josep Borrell, membro della Convenzione, e dei Sigg. Carlos Carnero e Diego López Garrido, membri supplenti della Convenzione: „Una costituzione europea per la pace, la solidarietà e i diritti umani“ [2002] CONV 455/02 European Commission, ‘Third Report from the Commission on Citizenship of the Union’ COM(2001) 506 Preliminary draft Constitutional Treaty [2002] CONV 369/02 Report of the Select Committee on the European Union of the House of Lords presented by Lord Tomlinson and Lord Maclennan “Contribution to the work of the Convention” [2003] CONV 598/03 Spinelli A, ‘Draft Treaty establishing the European Union’ (Bulletin of the European Communities 1984) Tindemans L, ‘Report on European Union’ (Bulletin of the European Communities 1975)


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