

unhappy Capital and annihilate our old ma­ ritime power. The iGth in the morning about four o ’clok some ol the English troops landed at W ebek , a little village about 8 English miles from Copenhagen, without any resi­ stance , because it seemed to have been the first principle of the 'Danish Government not to be the aggressor. The following Proclamation was issued b y the English after their landing. *’Whereas the present Treaties o f Peace, and the changes o f Government and o f T er- rito rry , acceded to b y so many Powers, have so far increassed the influence of France on the Continent o f Europe, as to render it impossible for Denmark, though it desires to be neutral, to preserve its neutrality, and absolutely necessary for those who continue to resist the French aggression, to take mea­ sures to prevent the arms o f neutral Powers from being turned against them: - . In this v iew , the K ing cannot regard the present position of Denmark with indif­

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