

in self-defence, to prevent those who have so long disturbed the peace o f Eu rope , from compelling the force o f your navy to b# - burned -against us.; W e ask-deposit, we have not looked to capture; so far from i t , the most solemn pledge has been offered to your Govern­ ment, and is hereby renewed in the name* and at the exprefs command o f the K ing , our master , that if our demand be amicably acceded t o , every ship belonging to Den­ mark shall, at the conclusion o f a general peace, be restored to h e r, in the same con­ dition and state of equipment, as when re­ ceived under the protection o f the British flag. ft is in the power o f your Government, k y a w o rd , to sheath our swords, most re­ luctantly drawn against you 5 but i f , on the other hand, the machinations o f France ren­ der you deaf to the. voice o f reason and the call o f friendship , the innocent blood that w ill be sp ilt, and the horror of a besieged gnd bombarded, capital, must fall on your

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