
cessarjf to reconnoitre the garden o f Mr. Classen, to learn whether the Enemy had be­ gun to erect a Battery on that spot* a sally tvas made to-day at four o’clock by the uof- Wegiari life-regiment, under the command o f Colonel Beck. The force consisted o f 3 Battalions of the Infantry, the Riflemen or 'Chasseurs of the K ing ’s Life-guard, the Kiflemen o f other Regiments, and the jftuntsmen from the country. This Corps Was supported b y 8 guns. .T h e design of this sally was perfectly attained. The gar­ den being exactly examined, and the Rifle­ men of the eneiny driven out, we were con­ vinced that the English had neither erected dr begun to erect any Battery. A ll the buildings at that place were burnt, besides a great part o f the'wood . After that was executed, our troops returned in good or­ der to the Citadel, when they saw several large colufnns o f the enemy approaching from Wibenshuus and along the shore. Our brave troops executed this undertaking to my greatest satisfaction. The lofs of the

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