COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Schedule 58

Water Resources Capital Improvement Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP) From Project Inception and For the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Actual Current Year

Project Authorization

Prior Years

Total To Date

Expenses: Capital Improvements:

Water Line and Tank Construction Sewer Line Construction Total Capital Improvements

$ 77,948,417 92,208,195 170,156,612

$ 47,859,936 53,588,551 101,448,487

$ 7,622,018 14,856,678 22,478,696

$ 55,481,954 68,445,229 123,927,183

Other Operating Revenues: Cost Sharing Reimbursements Sales and Use Tax Refund Excess of Revenues Under Expenses Before Other Financing Sources


150,000 2,045,190






Other Financing Sources: Transfers from Water Resources: Water Resources Operating Fund Water Resources Capital Improvement Fund Total Other Financing Sources

168,908,057 1,248,555 170,156,612

140,059,122 1,248,555 141,307,677


168,961,712 1,248,555 170,210,267


Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Under Expenses


$ 41,904,380

$ 6,573,894

$ 48,478,274

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