COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Schedule 63

Performing Arts Center Capital Project Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP) From Project Inception and For the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Actual Current Year

Project Authorization

Prior Years

Total To Date

Operating Revenues: Other Operating Revenue:

Parking Revenue Rent - Real Estate Reimbursements - Contract Agreements Sales and Use Tax Refund Sale of Materials Miscellaneous Receivable Revenue Total Operating Revenues


93,180 619,275 85,000 1,000,000 2,510 1,165,000 2,964,965


93,180 531,537 85,000 495 2,510 233,540 946,262



93,180 531,537

85,000 55,230 2,510 317,937 1,085,394


84,397 139,132

Operating Expenses: Project Expenses:

Maintenance and Operations Performing Arts Center Project Total Expenses

415,767 85,192,453 85,608,220

460,252 15,516,101 15,976,353

55,813 13,236,494 13,292,307

516,065 28,752,595 29,268,660

Operating Loss





Nonoperating Revenues: Investment Income Donations and Private Contributions Total Nonoperating Revenues

159,831 1,751,311 1,751,311

159,831 5,333,112 5,492,943

44,026,000 44,026,000

3,581,801 3,581,801

Nonoperating Expenses: Interest Expense Bond Issue Expense

4,298,567 534,178 4,832,745

280,443 203,238 483,681

127,990 474,529 602,519

408,433 677,767 1,086,200

Total Nonoperating Expenses

Excess of Revenues Under Expenses Before Other Financing Sources (Uses)





Other Financing Sources (Uses): Master Installment Financing Agreement Issued Installment Financing Agreement Issued Limited Obligation Bonds Issues Payment to Escrow Agent for Refunding of Debt Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenses and Other Financing (Uses)

11,500,000 13,402,640 43,450,000 (24,902,640) 43,450,000

11,500,000 12,160,940

11,500,000 13,402,640 43,450,000 (24,902,640) 43,450,000

1,241,700 43,450,000 (13,402,640) 31,289,060

(11,500,000) 12,160,940




$ 19,284,677

$ 19,673,477


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