COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Schedule 66 Page 1 of 2

Solid Waste Management Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP) For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018

Variance Positive (Negative)

Final Budget


Operating Revenues:

Charges for Current Services Other Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues

$ 12,265,000 290,000 12,555,000

$ 10,669,680 294,835 10,964,515

$ (1,595,320) 4,835 (1,590,485)

Operating Expenses: Personal Services Fringe Benefits

1,619,340 758,182 16,426,354 39,679 65,751 18,909,306

1,675,312 739,665 8,975,761 39,491 60,095 11,490,324

(55,972) 18,517 7,450,593 188 5,656 7,418,982

Maintenance and Operations Claims and Expenses Capital Outlay Total Operating Expenses

Operating Loss




Nonoperating Revenues: Investment Income Investment Income - Capital Reserve Fund Net Increase (Decrease) in the Fair Value of Investments Total Investment Income Nonoperating Expenses: Principal Maturities Interest Expense Miscellaneous Nonoperating Expense Total Nonoperating Expenses Excess of Revenues Under Expenses Before Other Financing Sources (Uses) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers In Transfers Out - Capital Reserve Fund Transfers Out - Capital Project Fund Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over (Under) Expenses and Other Financing (Uses)


128,353 25,786

37,880 25,786

(68,523) 85,616

(68,523) (4,857)


715,000 112,500 3,000 830,500

715,000 109,521 2,291 826,812

2,979 709 3,688




3,155,537 (1,325,000) (500,000) 1,330,537

3,155,537 (1,325,000) (500,000) 1,330,537




Appropriated Fund Balance



Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenses and Other Financing (Uses)







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