COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Schedule 70

Parking Facilities Bond Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP) From Project Inception and For the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Actual Current Year

Total To Date

Project Authorization

Prior Years

Expenses: Capital Improvements:

Parking Facilities - February 1 Deck Parking Facilities - Eugene Street Deck

$ 30,000,000 30,000,000

$ 2,321,952

$ 2,054,983 339,762

$ 4,376,935 339,762

Nonoperating Expenses: Interest Expense Bond Issue Expense

47,826 2,442,571

47,826 4,764,523



Nonoperating Revenues: Investment Income



Net Increase (Decrease) in the Fair Value of Investments

Total Investment Income



Excess of Revenues Under Expenses Before Other Financing Sources





Other Financing Sources: Debt Issuances: Limited Obligation Bonds Transfers In - Parking Facilities Operating Fund Transfers In - Parking Facilities Capital Reserve Fund Transfers In - Parking Facilities Capital Project Fund Total Other Financing Sources

57,866,241 1,209,346 641,609 282,804 60,000,000

1,209,346 641,609 282,804 2,133,759

1,209,346 641,609 282,804 2,133,759

Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Under Expenses


$ (188,193)

$ (2,443,889)

$ (2,632,082)


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