
What’s Inside

5 community programs 13 water adventures 16 athletics 23 active adults 27 trips and tours 35 mountain trekkers walking club 36 amenties 41 registration form 8 outdoor programs 21 public safety awreness 15 special events

Staff Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation haughmb@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 Ashley Hadidian Administrative Coordinator hadidianad@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 Recreation Supervisors Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Program, Tours adamsbushkj@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 Brad Buchanan Parks & Outdoor Education buchananbt@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 Montgomery County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political affiliation, disability or veteran status.

Allison Zuchowski Aquatics and Community Programs zuchowskiah@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 Chris Slusher Athletics- Auburn Strand slusherce@montgomerycountyva.gov Athletics- Eastern Montgomery Strand mabeal@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 Rachael Wray Recreation Assistant wrayra@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975 540-382-6975 Andy Mabe

Commission April DeMotts Board of Supervisors Liaison Adam Workman Planning Commission Liaison Susan Miller Chair Howard Eaves Vice Chair

Ginny Peeples Commissioner Cory Thompson Commissioner Stephen Cole Commissioner Don Karnes Commissioner Neal Feierabend Commissioner Mark Hollandsworth Commissioner

Terry Matney & Ben Sharp Maintenance Crew Leader Justin Arnold & Preston Krisha Maintenance Staff

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