The Millstone Times August 2018


August is Family Fun Month By YMCA of Western Monmouth County

As August rolls on, and summer comes to a close, let’s not forget that this month is ‘Family Fun Month’. Whether your child spent the summer at camp, at home, or in school, always remember that quality family time is extremely important to your growing child. In today’s world, where technology and screen time consume our home life, try to remember back to your childhood and the memo- ries you had outdoors with your family. Good things happen when we unplug and go outside to play together. Kids and adults benefit from contact with nature as well as unstructured play and explo- ration.

While the work week may be hectic, end of the summer weather is perfect for an evening bike ride. Have a free weekend? A family trip to the beach can never be underestimated. Spending quality time with your family exploring a local park, coastline or forest is a great way to introduce your kids to the natural world and get everyone more active. As you look for and discover the strange and unfamiliar, you’ll have new things to discuss, mysteries to solve and adventures to share. One of the greatest gifts that you can give to your family is the time that you all spend together. In today's world, too many families are go, go, go all of the time resulting in too little time spent together. Spending quality time together as a family is one of the best ways to improve your family's health and well-being.


The Millstone Times

August 2018

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