2014 Winter Newsletter


FCIAAO hosted the 2013 TPP Seminar held in Lake Mary December 4 th through 6 th . 82 attendees en- joyed 3 days filled with useful topics covering everything from Excel to Cell Site Evaluation. The TPP Steering Committee did a great job putting together the topics and organizing the speakers. A special thanks to Committee Chair Gwen Klaiber and Committee Members Christopher Mitts, Sharon Hatala and Kimberly Delano for all of their hard work. The event was held at the Marriott Lake Mary, where DOR was also hosting 4 IAAO courses, including the pilot offering of Course 331- Mass Appraisal Practices and Procedures taught by FCIAAO member Pat Alesandrini. Incom- ing IAAO President Kim Lauffer attended the course and several FCIAAO Executive Board members welcomed Kim to Florida and invited her to our 2014 Annual Conference.

2013 TPP Seminar Photos


Winter 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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