Sowhat does all thismean for farming business’ across the region?

As we enter 2015 it is perhaps worth noting, once again the fundamentals. The short termprospects remain challenging for producers; the longer term thesis remains one of continued growth in demand. The USDA anticipate that global grain trade in coarse grains will increase by 23% over the coming 10 years but of course this is only going to happen if signi%cant investments in production capacity and infrastructure are made. Brown & Co are actively involved in attracting institutional capital in to the sector, both for the United States and Central and Eastern Europe. Following on from the current price declines, long termgrowth in global demand for agricultural products will continue, biofuel demand will remain - particularly in the US, EU, Brazil and Argentina and as demand continues to grow – we are only one weather event away from a draw-down of global grain stocks. At the time of going to press the US Mid west has su#ered from extreme cold and snow and in Russia winter crops are in poor condition going intoWinter raising fears of damage to wheat crops and lower yields ... markets are on the move once again. detailed planning is at the heart of EULQJLQJ WRJHWKHU WKH RYHUDOO VWUDWHJ\ ZLWK WKH GDLO\ GLVFLSOLQH RI PDQDJLQJ FURSV SHRSOH FDVK DQG FDS H[S 7KH DYDLODELOLW\ RI JUDQW IXQGLQJ LQ 3RODQG DQG 5RPDQLD LV YLWDO IRUPDQ\ business’ seeking to invest in capital SURMHFWV QH[W \HDU DQG WKLV IXQGLQJ LV QRW JRLQJ WR EH DURXQG IRU HYHU )LQDOO\

It is only now that cash

06 CEE Land Market Brief 2014

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