Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0

]be,e , ]mpibe,e : vb. To pay wage, reward; ref]be,e : m. Wage-giver, hirer; [ibe,e : vb. To receive wage; [iebe,e : vb. To take at a wage, hire; rembe,e : m. Wage-man, hireling; atbe,e : adj. Wageless; sebiebe,e : m. Recompense. bes , b/s : (46b); n. Unripe fruit of fig tree. besswi v. bws - Naked. behbeh : (48a); m. Howling, barking. behi : (47b); m. File (iron). bejbwj= v. ouojouej - To chew. beji v. b/j - Falcon. bej/n v. be[/n - A rush. be[/n , -j/n : (48b); n. A rush. b/ : (28a); f. Grave. b/b : (28b); m. Cave, hole, den, nest. b/k (Q) v. bwk - Gone. b/l (Q) v. bwl - To loosen. b/ma : (Gk); m. Step, pace; raised place or tribune, tribunal of a magistrate. b/ni , beni : (40a); m. Swallow (a bird). b/t : (45a); m. Palm-leaf; f. rib. b/] (Q) v. bo] - Pollute. b/tc/ v. bwtc - Female warrior. biki : (31a); n. Horse's strap, girth, nose ring. bik,i , buk,i , bi,ki , bukki : (31a); n. A plant or fruit, cyperus esculentus; colt's foot. binaj : (41b); m. Dish. bini : (40a); f. Crucible, among goldsmith's utensils. bioc : (Gk); m. Lifetime, livelihood, means of living, life, vita. bir , f. bairi , pl. br/oui : (41b); m. Basket (of palm-leaves). bici v. ouici - To saw. b/s v. bes - Unripe fruit. b/s (Q) v. bws - To strip. b/j , beji : (48b); m. Falcon.

bi] : (495a); vi. To waste away, to dry up. bi,ki v. bik,i - A plant. bij : (48a); m. Bones used as dice, i.e. dice. biji : (48b); vi. To be wrecked. bla : (37a); A musical instrument, a type of harp or small bell. blaptin : (Gk); (w/ er- ) vb. To diable, hinder, distract, mislead; damage, hurt, injure. bo/yeia , -yia : (Gk); f. Help, aid, cure. bo/yia v. bo/yeia - Help. bo/yoc : (Gk); m. Helper, auxiliary, assistant. boisi : (47a); f. A desert animal, a kind of antelope. boki : (31a) n. Verbally in erboki , emboki ; vi. To conceive, conceive by; vt. to conceive (a child); mboki : m. Conception; f. pregnant woman; jinerboki : mf. Conception. bol= v. bwl - To loosen. bolc v. ouwlc - To lean. boni v. bwn - Evil. bon] , fen]- : (41a); f. Gourd, cucumber; gourd-garden; [loj mbon] : n . Gourd. borber , berber- , berbwr= : (657a); vi. To be loosed, fall to pieces; vt. to throw down, push; --- ebol : vb. To cast forth; --- ehr/i : vb. To cast upon, into; ---: m. Expulsion. bocer v. ouocer - Oar. bot- v. bo] - Pollute. botan/ : (Gk); f. Pasture, fodder, herb, weed; botany. botbet v. ouwt - To be green. botc= v. bwtc - To fight. bosbes v. ouosoues - To strike. bof : (505a); m. Lung. boh v. bwwh - Name of an idol.

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