Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0


(2b)... Reference to page 2 col b of Crum's Coptic Dictionary, ... etc. adj Adjective adv Adverb d.o. Direct Object def. Definite f Feminine Noun fm Feminine or Masculine Noun, mostly feminine gen Genitive Gk Of Greek origin Gk? Perhaps of Greek origin Heb Of Hebrew origin imperat Imperative

indef. Indefinite interj Interjection or exclamation interog Interrogative Lat Of Latin origin Lit. Literally m Masculine Noun mf Masculine and Feminine Noun n,nn Noun neg Negative

p.c. part


pl Plural prep. Preposition prfx Prefix pron Pronoun Q Qualitative sg Singular subj Subject v.

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vb Verb vbal Verbal vbs Verbs vi

Intransitive verb Transitive Verb




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