Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0

katacarx : (Gk); m. Parents in the flesh, family. katactacic : (Gk); Unknown. katagoria : (Gk); f. Accusation, charges. kat/,/ceoc v. kat/,oumen/ - In- struction. kat/,/cic v. kat/,oumen/ - In- struction. kat/,oumen/ , -menoi : (Gk); pl. Cate- chumens; kat/,/ceoc , -,/cic : n. Instruc- tion, preaching, sermon; erkat/,in , -t/,oin , -y/kin : vb. To instruct, give a sermon, sermon. kat/,oumenoi v. kat/,oumen/ - Catechumens. katmic : (129a); m. Egyptian mulberry. katoa v. katw - Boat. katoc : (Gk); m. Water-wheel. katouli : (129a); m. Mallow. katw , katoa : (123b); f. Boat, skiff. kauma , kaucon , -oc : (Gk); m. Burning heat, fever, heat; erkauma : vb. To burn, kindle. kauri v. (1) kour - Deaf. kavai : (130a); pl. Egyptian partridge. kavaji : (130a); m. Part of date-palm, lit. leaf of fiber, stump of branch. kas , kes- : (130a); mf. Reed as stalk, measure, pen, shin-bone, staff, plough- pole, spike, paling; ---: f. Reed bed, plantation. kasou : (130b); pl. A type of fish. kasouli : (131a); m. Desert fruit. kah v. keh - Arm. kah= v. kwh - To smooth. kahi : (131a); m. Earth, soil; earth (opp. sea), land, country; district, province; atkahi : adj. Without ground, off the ground; kas- v. kws - To break. kas= v. kws - To break.

erkahi : vb. To become earth, dust; remnkahi : m. Man of earth, earth- born. kahke- v. kwh - To be healed. kahkh v. kwh - To hew out. kahc v. kwh - Custom. kaji : (134b); m. Pitcher, bucket. ka] , p.c. kat- : (123a); vi. To know, un- derstand; ---: m. Knowledge, understanding; atka] : n. Ignorant person; adj. ignorant; eratka] : vb. To be ignorant; metatka] : f. Ignorance; remnka] : m. Man of understanding; refka] : m. Same meaning; ]ka] : vb. To instruct; jemka] : vb. To find understanding; jinka] : f. Understanding; kath/t : n. Knowledgeable, wise person; adj. knowledgeable; erkath/t : vb. To be wise; metkath/t : f. Understanding. kbwou v. ,bob - Coolness. ke , pl. ke,wouni : (90b); mf. Another; adj. other, different; ke- +def art.: Also, even; ,et , f. ,e] : m. Another; --- + art or demonst.: The other, this other. ke v. kai - And. kebi v. (2) k/bi - Honey cake. kedric , ketri : (Gk); f. Fruit of syrian ceder. kedroc : (Gk); f. Representation of a ceder cone; ceder tree. keiric]mw v. kurioc - Leader. kek- v. kwk - To peel off. kekc v. kwc - To strip. kel , k/l : (102a); m. A fish. : adj. Any other; keouai : adj. Another;

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