The Owners' Manual - Issue 12 - Winter 2018

CONNECT IVE CONSCIOUSNESS In 2017, there were 10 projects which were undertaken by the Principals

Principal team is working on those actions. Other feedback was more of a “to be conscious of” suggestion. Therefore, the team created the “Connective Consciousness” document [to the right]. We will be sharing this document at the March Employee Owners’ meeting, in the first quarter Owners’ Manual and during cohort discussions in the month of March. After March, this document will become part of the orientation process through the Peer Coach role. After months 2-3 of a new employee’s hire, the Peer Coach will run through this document with the new employee.

at BL. They touched on a variety of topics from financial literacy to profitability to mentoring, branding and growth. One was looking at all our offices and field staff and thinking of ways we can all be more connected. The project was titled “Connecting Offices and Field Staff” and the five Principals who worked on this project held meetings in every office and tried to sit down with as many of the field employee owners as possible. There was a lot of great feedback that was generated from those conversations. Some of the feedback was actionable and the

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