The Owners' Manual - Issue 12 - Winter 2018

You can minimize all active windows and show your desktop quickly MINIMIZE ALL ACTIVE WINDOWS (SHOW DESKTOP) Key} + D”. The windows key is located between the “CTRL” & “ALT” keys on most keyboards. OR Press the BUTTON in the absolute lower right-hand corner of your taskbar (to the right of the clock typically). It looks like just a BLANK rectangle but it is actually a button. by pressing “{Windows

You can send any Microsoft Office file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint….) quickly to anyone while you have it open. Press the following key sequence to automatically attach the active file to an E-Mail. ALT>F>H> E>A SEND AN ACTIVE / OPEN FILE QUICKLY VIA E-MAIL

Be cautious with emails and if you ever have a suspicion on its content please contact the IT Department. “YOUR FEDEX PACKAGE HAS ARRIVED”

Connecting to the BL WiFi means that you are being managed through our network settings. Sites, such as Yahoo or most Streaming Media sites, have been turned off. You need to use your personal data plan or access those sites while not using our BL wireless connection. BL WIFI VS PERSONAL DEVICES

Please make sure that “Enable join before host” is checked prior to establishing a meeting. Also, you {the host / organizer of the meeting} cannot Mute or Remove participants from meeting unless you are logged into Ring Central. RING CENTRAL MEETINGS

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