Out & About February 2017

Children might learn about topical festivities or enjoy visiting the dedicated ‘Learning Hub’ where they really start to get to grips with phonics during fun sessions with their teacher; they enjoy educational games, dance and immerse themselves in other lively activities – all RI ZKLFK DUH OLQNHG WR WKH (DUO\

The Power of Pre-School

Jubilee Day Nursery and Jubilee Gems Term-Time Day Nursery based in Padworth are well-known for the quality of their outdoor learning and providing a high quality pre-school education in preparation for children starting school. But why is a pre-school education so important? ‘Once seen as simply a preparation for school, what happens to young children between the age of 3 and 5 is now an important phase of education in its own right and one with long term implications for children as learners.’ (Dept for (GXFDWLRQ (΍HFWLYH 3UH VFKRRO 3ULPDU\ and Secondary Research Project, 2015) Recent government research has shown that attending a high quality pre-school has a positive and long term impact on children’s attainment, progress and social-behavioural development and FRQWLQXHV WR LQȵXHQFH RXWFRPHV throughout primary school and beyond and has proved to be especially important for boys. 3UH VFKRRO FRQWLQXHG WR LQȵXHQFH outcomes throughout primary school especially if it was of high quality and its LQȵXHQFH FRQWLQXHG GXULQJ VHFRQGDU\ school through higher attainment and better social-behavioural development at age 14. By age 16, results showed attending a pre-school predicted better *&6( UHVXOWV 7KLV SRVLWLYH LQȵXHQFH ZDV greater for those who had started at an earlier age (before 3) or who had attended a pre-school of high quality. Beyond compulsory schooling, students who attended pre-school were also more

likely to go on to higher academic study, taking four or more AS/A levels. Both nurseries place great emphasis on providing caring, safe learning environments where children are happy, nurtured and encouraged to develop and achieve their full potential. Jubilee HPSOR\V D ODUJH QXPEHU RI VWD΍ ZLWK JUDGXDWH TXDOLȴFDWLRQV DV ZHOO DV D TXDOLȴHG (DUO\

To contact Jubilee Gems (term-time), Tel: 0118 983 4018 (PDLO LQIR#MXELOHHJHPV FR XN RU visit www.jubileegems.co.uk To contact Jubilee Day Nursery (full-time), Tel: 0118 970 1600 (PDLO LQIR#MXELOHHGD\QXUVHU\ FR XN RU visit www.jubileedaynursery.co.uk


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