Get to Know Campus



STOUT STRIVES FOR INCLUSVE > No matter what you choose, we have a variety of ways to get involved on campus EXCELLENCE.

Offices that support our diverse and historically underserved student populations

At UW-Stout we believe diversity strengthens our community and that our students identities are multifaceted and intersectional.

The Qube The Qube offers resources, programs, ans support initiatives for LGBTQIA+ students and allies. Student Support Services Student Support Services provides academic tutoring, personalized advising and support, tuition waived coursees, and leadership opportunities to first-generation students, students who meet federal low-income criteria, and students with disabilities. *Student Support Services is funded by two federal TRIO grants and this funding accounts for 100% of the project’s total costs.

Disability Services disability Services is committed to creating equal access and opportunity to all campus programs and services for persons with disablilities. Fostering Success Fostering Success provides guidance and resources for youth who have been in foster care, homeless or orphaned and who have an interest in pursuing higher education Multicultural Student Services From academic support to living communities, MSS offers multiple programs and services that support Black/African American, Native american, Asian and Hispanic/Latinx students and their success. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Office (EDI) The EDI office is committed to continuous improvement of campus climate and culture. This office supports our students, employees, and the campus commumity.

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