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suffering pain from these con- ditions, the results of massage can be very dramatic. R.M.T’s must be registered and regulated in the province of Ontario in order to practice. Although many spas or fitness facilities may offer “mas- sages,” be sure your therapist is an R.M.T to ensure you are receiving the highest quality of care. The benefits of massage are not limited solely to muscu- lar problems. Massage can be used in the treatment of insomnia, constipation or respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis. It can increase circulation and therefore, decrease edema (swelling), as well as being helpful in the rehabilitation of many conditions, from fractures and sprains, to post-operative conditions.

acupuncture, may also be used during treatments. In Canada, the naturopathic medical profession’s infra- structure includes accred- ited educational institutions, professional licensing, national standards of practice, partici- pation in many federal health committee initiatives, and a commitment to state-of-the- R.M.T’s use manual massage techniques to loosen tight, strained or spastic muscle fibres. These muscles are often painful and can usually be seen in conditions ranging from whiplash and tendonitis to headaches, or simply as a sore back. Tight muscles may impede circulation or press on nerves as in certain cases of sciatica. For someone who is art scientific research. Registered Massage Therapist (R.M.T)


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