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to lengthen and widen. As a result of increased weight gain during pregnancy, many women suffer with foot and lower limb problems - the most common of these being over-pronation, edema and varicose veins. These can lead to pain being experienced in the following areas - heel, arch, the ball of the foot and legs. Over-pronation is often referred to as “flat feet”. It occurs when the arch of the foot flattens for example when being forced to endure extra weight. This creates stress on the fibrous band of tissue that runs from the heel to the forefoot (plantar fascia). This can result in extremely painful walking. It can also increase strain on the feet, calves and back. Edema which is also known as swelling in the feet, can also pose a problem in the later months of pregnancy. The main reason for feet becom- ing swollen is displacement of water fluid within the body and the extra blood accu- mulated during pregnancy. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis and legs causing circulation to slow down and blood to pool in the lower extremities. Varicose veins in pregnant women result when increased levels of the progesterone hormone cause blood vessels to relax. During pregnancy, changes in weight and body shape, coupled with the extra pressure your baby puts on your body, cause your leg veins to dilate and work much less efficiently. So what can be done to al- leviate suffering from these conditions and to assist in

be i nformed

It is useful to know what changes in your feet to expect during pregnancy and how best to manage these for a happier healthier pregnancy. Pregnancy & Your Feet Pregnancy as well as being a very special time, is also a time when your body undergoes a variety of changes. One of these changes is in relation to feet. It is often overlooked that women’s feet increase in size by approximately one or two sizes during pregnancy. The reason for this increase is hormones that are released within the body with the aim of enabling the ligaments in the birth canal to relax. Liga- ments in the feet also relax which in turn causes the feet


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