BASA Events Email 8.26.16

2016 BASA Fall Conference It's that time again! The BASA Fall Conference (Leading for Succeeding) will be held at the Hilton Columbus/Polaris on October 4-5, 2016.

Join us! BASA’s 47th Annual Fall Conference October 4th & 5th, 2016 at Hilton Polaris “Leading to Succeeding”

Featuring Key Note Speakers

October 4th: Tim Kight Founder & President, Focus

October 5th: Matt Monjan Vice President of Educational Partnerships, Discovery Education Beyond the Door: Applying Human Centered Design to Leadership & Learning.


Life comes at us fast. Things happen every day. Situations, people, responsibilities, challenges, change . . . we are constantly dealing with the stuff of life. This presents a universal challenge for every organization, team, & individual: How do we navigate the events of life and work in a way that produces exceptional results?

Tuesday, October 4th Highlights

Wednesday, October 5th Highlights

9:00 am: Welcome & Introductions

8:30 am: Welcome & Introductions

8:45 am: Matt Monjan, VP of Educational Partnerships, Discovery Education

9:15 am: Tim Kight, Founder & President of Focus 3

11:45 am: BASA Awards Luncheon

10:00 am: BASA Business Meeting

30 Break-Out Sessions to choose from throughout the day!

10:15 am: BASA Legislative Update, Tom Ash, BASA

11:15 am: Closing Remarks, Kirk Hamilton, Executive Director of BASA

5:00 pm: BASA Reception

Don’t forget about the raffle! FREE Prizes from our Exhibitor Booths!

HOTEL ROOM RESERVATIONS: Hilton Columbus/Polaris Book by September 10th !! Click “register” to register at our website Click "download" for additional information and registration forms.

Reserve by phone @ (614) 885-1600: Group Name: 2016 BASA Fall Conference Group Code: BASA16

Reserve online: CMHPOHF-BASA16-20161003/index.jhtml?WT.mc_ id=POG

Send in your registration today! Form attached.

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