USD President's Report 1991

of its emphasis not only on quality edu­ cation, but on values like integrity and compassion as well," says Darlene Shiley, university trustee and commis­ sioner of the San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. "These values are woven into the very fabric of the cur­ riculum and form the character of the institution. Donald and I believe in these same values and in the importance of supporting ways to instill these tradi­ tions in our young people." Longtime USO supporter Jack L. Adams also believes in strengthening a univer­ sity through its students. To that pur­ pose, he has established a trust fund to sponsor 10 ongoing scholarships, which primarily benefit the Navy ROTC pro­ gram. "I was looking for a way to honor my son," explains the former Navy offi­ cer. "I thought that scholarships would do more good for young people than any­ thing else I could think of."

E.,tat,· olEthel ,II. Ht1r ... ·h

11 'i; e:; Prtfe.,.,or Paul Horton .llario11 Le /lo_,, ll11hhanJ

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o lau_9h ofte11 a11J much,· to wi11 the re.Jpect of i11tel­ l,"gent people a11J the affection of chi/Jren; to finJ the be.It i11 other,1; to appreciate beauty; to lem•e the wor/J a bit better . . . thi.1 i,1 to hm•e ,111cceeJeJ.

English department in partnership with the Old Globe Theatre. The Shiley gift also underwrites undergraduate theater arts productions. To honor the Shileys' commitment to the theater arts program, the university's premier performance center was renamed Shiley Theatre. MFA student Evangeline Fernandez is the 1991-92 recipient of the Darlene V. Shiley Master of Fine Arts Fellowship. "My love for the theater is very deep and personal," explains the 29-year-old actress and writer. "The idea of contrib­ uting something to our culture is very important to me. I'm just so grateful that there's a commitment to the classical theater here. It's hard work, but the theater fills your soul like nothing else can. The emphasis at USO on a values-based education combined with a love for the theater prompted the Shileys' generous gift. "We were attracted to USO because

Ral ph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882

.-11111 .llarie '9{) t'' Rt111 .lla.'f" E.,tat.· olLt1ui ... , II . .11,·Nall_v Lt. Patrick/(. ,IJ.-,Yamara '87 .Ilaria 'SJ c,R,,/,crt E. ,lie_,,,.,.

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