Faculty & Staff Handbook Cover_af77a4e0

In-House Periodicals

The library maintains subscriptions to a variety of print periodicals. The availability of periodical titles is based on the subject areas offered on each campus. The latest issue of each softbound periodical is shelved in the current periodical section. When an issue is replaced with a new copy, the old one is stored in the back periodical section. Most are kept for two to five year, some longer where space and use allow. The bibliography of in-house periodicals includes titles, subscription dates, and locations for each of the periodicals held in the Vernon College Library System.

Collection Development Policies

Purpose The purpose of this policy is to guide the growth and maintenance of the library collection in accordance with the Vernon College Mission Statement (Appendix A) and the Library Mission Statement (Appendix B). Responsibility for Collection Development The Director of Library Services assumes responsibility for material selection with the help of faculty who are responsible for the recommendation of titles in their subject fields. All library users are encouraged to make requests for library purchases. Requests may be submitted online via the Purchase Recommendation form. Budget The Library receives funding from the College to purchase new materials. These resources may be supplemented by grants and donations. There is no specific allocation for individual disciplines. This allows for greater flexibility in meeting departmental and program demands, as well as patron requests. Collection Maintenance Periodically, library staff will evaluate the collection to identify materials for withdrawal. These include items that are outdated, damaged, non-circulated, and/or contain inaccurate information. Faculty members are consulted when materials in their discipline are being considered for withdrawal. Faculty involved in program-discipline evaluations are also asked to review library collections and to submit recommendations for the purchase of new materials. Damaged and missing materials are not automatically replaced.

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