USD President's Report 1997

Board of

donor funds

The 1997 President's Report is published as an information service of the Office of Public Relations and the Office of Development. Contributors to the report include: John G. McNamara Vice President for University Relations Jack Cannon Director of Public Relations

Sister Frances Danz, R.S.C.J. t Margaret R. Duflock Rev. Monsignor I. Brent Eagen : J. Philip Gilligan Charles M. Grace Ernest W. Hahn I Bruce R. Hazard Arthur H. Kaplan t Edmund L. Keeney, M.D. The Most Rev. Leo T. Maher I James J. McMorrow I

Ronald L. Fowler Preside nt and CEO Liquid Investments Inc. Alice B. Hayes Pres ident University of San Diego Robert Hoehn Owner Hoehn Honda Patricia M. Howe Chairman T.I.S . Financial Services Inc. Michael B. Kaplan '72 (J.D.) Owner ARKA Properties Group John T. Lynch Chairman and CEO Lartigue Multimedia Sys tems Inc. Douglas F. Manchester Chairman of the Board Manchester Resorts Liam E. McGee '76 Group Executive Vice President Bank of America Sister Gertrude Patch, R.S.C.J. John M . Robbins Jr. Chairman and CEO American Residential Inves tment Trust William H. Scripps '83 President and CEO Scripps Baseball Group Darlene Marcos Shiley Philanthropist Herbert B. Tasker Chairman and CEO All Pacific Mortgage Company Michael T. Thorsnes '68 (J.D.) Attorney Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire & Padilla A. Eugene Trepte President Trepte Investment Company Yolanda Walther-Meade Civic Leader William J. Zures President The Zures Companies

Chairman of the Board Peter J. Hughes Attorne y •at-Law Vice Chair of the Board Joanne C. Warren Civic Leader Secretary of the Board William D. Jones '80 President and CEO CityLink Investment Corporation Frank D. Alessio Investor Robert H. Baker President Bob Baker Enterprises Inc. Manuel Barba, M.D. R. Donna M. Baytop, M.D. Medical Director Solar Turbines Inc. Roy E. "Gene" Bell President and CEO Union•Tribune Publishing Company Allen J. Blackmore President The Blackmore Company John D. Boyce Retired Educator and Businessman The Most Rev. Robert H. Brom Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego Sandra A. Brue President and CEO Sandicast Inc. Karen S. Cohn Owner Ballena Vista Farms Kathryn S. Colachis Chairman and CEO The Colachis Companies Sister Barbara Dawson, R.S.C.J . Provincial Society of the Sacred Heart Daniel W. Derbes President Signal Ventures Rev. Monsignor Daniel J. Dillabough '70 Chancellor of the Diocese of San Diego Rev. Monsignor William E. Elliott Pastor Our Lady of Refuge Parish Anita V. Figueredo, M.D.

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USD ANNUAL DONOR CLUBS lndiricl uals proricl ingsuppnrl lo llw 1111i- n·rsil y Iii rough llw ,\n n1ial Fund arr J'L'tognim l lh rough lllt'ml),•1-shi p in a L·so donor dub basri:I on llw amounl or llwir c·onlri bul ion.

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$5.000 and a lxin•

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George M. Pardee Leland S. Prussia William K. Warren t Richard P. Woltman Walter J. Zable t Deceased

Trisha J. Ratledge Associate Director of Publications Michael R. Haskins Associate Director of Publications Jill Wagner Publications Editor Judy Williamson Publications Support Kate Callen Director of News Bureau Donald M . Fellows Director of Development Tammy Gillespie Director of Annual Fund Diane Gronholt Assistant Director of Advancement Services Visual Asylum Concept. Design and Art Direction Ken Jacques '78 Pablo Mason Rodney Nakamoto Gary Payne '86 Jonathan Woodward Photography

l)n Inrns

$2.500-1,._99g $1.000-2.409

$2.500-4-.999 $I.000-2.MJ9

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$100-999 $250-499 :$ 100-249 $26-9g


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$100-0gg $210-49g $I00-24.g

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Attorney for the Board Josiah L. Neeper President Emeritus Author E. Hughes



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$1.000 and alxin'


CORPORATE FUND Ht'C'ogniIion as a C'.oqxirall' r\ssociall' is il rrorclc'CI lhose busi llC'SSPS whosr ' ll PIXlrl for L"SD t'Xt:l'l-'Cls $1.000 cl uring a fiscal ~w1r. C:onlribulionsarc acknrnrlL'Clg\'CI in lhc f'ollowingcalrgo1·ics:

USD Executive Officers Alice B. Hayes, Ph.D. Pre sident Francis M. Lazarus, Ph.D. Vice President and Provost David McCluskey, M .B.A. Acting Vice President for Finance and Administration Thomas F. Burke, M.A. Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students John G. McNamara, B.A. Vice President for University Relations Deans Patrick F. Drinan, Ph.D. College of Arts and Sciences Curtis W. Cook, D.B.A. School of Business Administration Edward F. DeRoche, Ph.D. School of Education Grant Morris, J.D. (Interim Dean) School of Law Janet A. Rodgers, Ph .D. Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing

lncl iriduals prnriding·supporl lo llw&hool or l,;w an•m-cig·11im l lli rougli 11 w111 bP1-slii p in adonor dub of liiL' L"SDSehool or Lmr F'und IJ;lSt'd 011 lhl' illllOllnl or lhl'ir enn lribulinn.

Parl nr r Inn'slor s,xinsor \l l'lllil\'r

$10.000 and alxi1·r $1.0no-g_999 $2.500-ld)99 $I.000-2.49g


\l a 1J(fK1t,~- Fl'Ilc11rs Plali11u111 <:old Siln•r Bnmzt•

$10.000and abo1"L' $0.000-0.gmi :S2.S00-4.99g S 1.000-2.499

The quote on inside cover reprinted with permission from Teaching Your Children About God

For additional information about the University of San Diego. please contact: Office of Public Relations University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492 (619) 260-4681 USO Web Site: E-mail:

$500-0g9 :iff0-4Wl $l00-2MJ (:il'ls 10$ 100

C:t11111sl.'lors 13a1TiSll'rS Adnx·ail's l11.rall~·Club

Trustees Erneriti Thomas E. Barger · Dee Baugh Rev. Monsignor Robert T. Callahan : Robert T. Campion H. John Cashin · James W. Colachis · Jenny G. Craig

Dra n's Cin·lt' nx·og11izl'S do11ors 11·ilh 1·1111111l11I iw gif'ls of' $lilll.Ollll.

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Walter Fitch Ill Private Investor Kim Fletcher President Investors Leasing Corporation


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