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Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual! 3rd Edition Lippincott Williams and Wilkins


Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 12th Edition Lynn Bickley

Know the how and why of common conditions—and assess them accurately—with the newly updated Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual , 3rd Edition. Fully illustrated in the popular Made Incredibly Visual style, this essential guide offers easy-to-follow explanations for the causes and mechanisms of numerous common disorders, listing symptoms and indications for each. Use this as the perfect study guide for the NCLEX® or certification exam, to support class materials, and to absorb the pathophysiology principles every nurse needs to know.

Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking provides authoritative, step-by-step guidance on performing the patient interview and physical examination, applying clinical reasoning, shared decision-making, and other core assessment skills—all based on a firm understanding of clinical evidence. This highly regarded text includes fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination and an easy-to-follow two-column format featuring examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. Bates’ also includes a unit on special populations, covering special stages in the life cycle— infancy through adolescence, pregnancy, and aging.

978-1-4963-2167-1 / 296 pp / 800 illus / May 2016

Human Form, Human Function Thomas H. McConnell and Kerry Hull

Human Form, Human Function is the first essential level text that seamlessly weaves together form (anatomy) with function (physiology), an approach that caters to how instructors teach and students learn. Real-life case studies are incorporate d for learning how form and function are linked. The authors have maintained a sharp focus on communication: between body organs and body systems, between artwork and student learning, between content and student comprehension.

978-1-4963-5029-9 / 1064 pp / Sept 2016

Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 8th Edition Lynn Bickley

This concise and trusted reference provides authoritative guidance on how to perform the patient interview, physical examination, and other core assessments as well as how to apply clinical reasoning and use shared decision-making in a quick-reference format—all based on a firm understanding of clinical evidence. Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking includes illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination in an easy-to-follow two-column format featuring examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. This highly regarded pocket guide also covers special stages in the life cycle— infancy through adolescence, pregnancy, and aging.

978-1-4511-7670-4 / 736 pp / 879 illus / Oct 2011

978-1-4963-5345-0 / 432 pp / Oct 2016



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