SALTA 2nd grade

(DOK 2)

Brady drew a rectangle that had 5 rows and 6 columns. Dora drew a rectangle that had 4 rows and 7 columns. Dora said that her rectangle had more squares. Was Dora correct? Draw words, pictures and drawing to justify your answer. (DOK 3)

(DOK 1)


Color in one fourth of the rectangle.

Sam made a card for her grandmother’s birthday. She folded the paper into 3 equal sections. Show how Sam folded her paper. How many ways could this be done? (DOK 2) Mrs. Lander made 3 peanut butter sandwiches for Lyla, Carly, and Jen. She cut the sandwiches as shown below:

(DOK 1)

Lyla’s Jen’s Carly said that her pieces were the biggest. Was she correct? Explain your reasoning. Carly’s

(DOK 2)

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