SALTA 2nd grade

Keyboarding Block

Keyboarding and Computer Science

The Keyboarding block is designed to help students demonstrate effcient digital input by the end of 5th grade. This begins with competency in keyboarding, appropriate and responsible use of technology, and basic computer science principles. Keyboarding by touch, rather than speed, is introduced in these standards. Keyboarding techniques are foundational to accuracy and speed. The following Keyboarding standards are aligned to the Utah K-5 Computer Science standards.

Keyboarding Schedule

Teachers will use the frst 6 weeks of literacy content integration in the master schedule for instruction and practice to establish good keyboarding technique. This is the same time set aside in the master schedule for Science and Social Studies. During this block, if students have mastered or excelled in their keyboarding lessons, an extension that could be provided to students is introductory computer science lessons. These lessons would give students more opportunity to practice keyboarding while learning additional skills which are embedded in the Utah K-5 Computer Science standards. These are not required, but may be fun and engaging for students. Hour of Code is also a great time to introduce these resources, here is a link to resources: After the initial 6 weeks of instruction and practice, teachers will continue to provide instruction and practice for at least 10 minutes a week for the remainder of the school year. Keyboarding practice is a suggestion for a Practice Station during Skills-Based Instruction. See this link to the Small Group Manual pages 14-19 for more information. Proper keyboarding technique should be reinforced whenever students are typing on keyboards.

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