SALTA 2nd grade

Elementary Keyboarding Grades K-2 By the end of 2nd grade, students will be able to:

K-2 Keyboarding Strand 1- Students will demonstrate correct keyboarding techniques while using a digital device.


● Standard 1- Students will be introduced to proper keyboarding techniques. ○ Fingers curved and oriented to home row. ■ Defne home row as the keys the fngers rest on before typing. These keys are identifed as A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ; ○ Sit up straight. ○ Feet fat on the foor. ○ Body centered with the “G” and “H” keys. ● Standard 2- Students will be introduced to home row keys and placement. ○ Students will be able to identify home row keys (A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ;) ○ Students will be able to identify which fnger strikes the home row keys.

■ Strike A with the left pinky fnger. ■ Strike S with the left ring fnger. ■ Strike D with the left middle fnger. ■ Strike F with the left pointer fnger. ■ Strike J with the right pointer fnger. ■ Strike K with the right middle fnger. ■ Strike L with the right ring fnger. ■ Strike ; with the right pinky fnger.

K-2 Keyboarding Strand 2- Students will be able to select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks.


● Standard 1- Students will be able to explore functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems (1.CS.2) ○ Identify the use of a mouse, touch-pad, monitor/touch-screen, and keyboard. ○ Identify common software used in a classroom (i.e. Google

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