SALTA 2nd grade

Components of a Science Storyline Engaging Phenomena : Object, event or question used to engage students. A phenomena is a natural event that students are unable to explain right away. Students Teacher Calls upon prior knowledge Poses problems Identifies problems to solve, decisions to be made, conflict to be resolved Ask questions Writes questions, problems, etc. Assess prior knowledge Explore: Students gather, organize, interpret, analyzes, and evaluates data about the phenomena. Student Teacher Hypothesizes and Predicts Shows students how to use new tools Explores resources and materials Guide students in taking more and more responsibility in investigations Design and carry out investigations with care Help design and carry out skills of recording, document, and drawing conclusions Analyze data and draw conclusions Help students form tentative explanations

Explain: Student begin to explain their understanding of their findings. Student


Express ideas in a variety of ways: Interactive Notebooks

Provides feedback

Share understandings and feedback, while working collaboratively with other students Offer explanations Tie findings from investigations to material explicitly taught by teacher

Explicitly teaches the new content/objective ensure student understanding

Expand: Activities allow students to apply concepts in context and build on or extend understanding and skills. Student Teacher Applies new knowledge Provides feedback Solves problems Makes open suggestions Seek further clarification Asks new questions Reflect with adults and peers Ensures student reflection Evaluate: Provide an opportunity for students to review and reflect on their learning by providing evidence from learning to explain the engaging phenomena. Student Teacher Explain/describe why the engaging phenomena occurs. Students can do this in a variety of ways, such as writing, creating a diagram, making a model, presenting information, etc. Provide the performance task with a detailed rubric or scoring guide.

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