SALTA 2nd grade

Reading Street Unit 5: Responsibility Reading Street Big Question: What does it mean to be responsible? In what ways do weather patterns change from season to season? Do heavier objects fall at the same rate as lighter objects?

Essential Question

Standard 2.3: Observe, describe and measure seasonal weather patterns and local variations. a. Compare and contrast the seasonal weather patterns during the school year. b. Analyze and interpret data such as temperatures in different locations and different times. Standard 3.1: Communicate observations about falling objects. a. Observe falling objects and identify things that prevent them from reaching the ground. b. Communicate observations that similar objects of varying masses fall at the same rate. Seasonal, variations, analyze, interpret, temperature, precipitation, thermometer, rain gauge, weather vane, data, conclusions, location, patterns Communicate, observations, identify, demonstrate, investigate, data, conclusions, motion, weightlessness, prevent, various

Content Standards

Essential Vocabulary

UEN Links: K-2 Interactives: Core Academy Handbooks: Lesson Plans:

Suggested Unit Resources

Explicit Ties to Reading Street


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