
Cruise Control

SwitchingAdaptiveCruiseControl Off Note: You erase the set speed and gap setting when you switch the system off. Press OFF when the system is in standby mode, or switch the ignition off. Detection Issues WARNINGS On rare occasions, detection issues can occur due to the road infrastructures, for example bridges, tunnels and safety barriers. In these cases, the systemmay brake late or unexpectedly. At all times, you are responsible for controlling your vehicle, supervising the system and intervening, if required. If the systemmalfunctions, have your vehicle checked as soon as possible. The radar sensor has a limited field of view. It may not detect vehicles at all or detect a vehicle later than expected in some situations. The lead vehicle graphic does not illuminate if the system does not detect a vehicle in front of you.

E71621 Detection issues can occur:


When driving on a different line than the vehicle in front. With vehicles that edge into your lane. The systemcan only detect these vehicles once they move fully into your lane. There may be issues with the detection of vehicles in front whendriving intoandcomingout of a bend or curve in the road.



In these cases, the systemmay brake late or unexpectedly. You should stay alert and take action when necessary. If something hits the front end of your vehicle or damage occurs, the radar-sensing zonemay change. This could cause missed or false vehicle detection.



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