Ex. 1135

Ex. 1136

Ex. 1137

1135 1960 (C74) Zunyi Meeting complete set of 3, each with upper right corner copy with plate no, toned gum. Photo

HK$ 600 - 700

1136 1960 (C75) Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship complete set of 3, unmounted and minor toning. Photo

HK$ 700 - 900

1137 1960 (C80) Engels complete set of 2 in block of 4, both value with sheet margin, 10f horizontal folded, unmounted. Photo HK$ 1,500 - 1,800

Ex. 1138


Ex. 1140

1138 1960 (C84) Dr. Norman Bethune complete set of 2 in block of 4, each value with sheet margin, unmounted. Photo

HK$ 1,200 - 1,500

1139 1960’s A folder with complete set of C190 Zunyi mint inside the Culture Revolution folder, with 3 different Cultural Revolution stamps. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 1140 1961 (C100) The 1st Athletic Meet of New Emerging Forces complete set of 5 x 32, with pairs and blocks, CTO, fresh. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 3,000

1141 1961 (C100) The 1st Athletic Meet of New Emerging Forces complete set of 5. unmounted and minor toned and small paper adhesive on reverse. Photo HK$ 500 - 800 1142 1961 (C86) Table Tennis complete set of 4 in strip of 5 and lower right corner block of 10, CTO and gum toning. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200

Ex. 1141

Ex. 1142


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