Ex. 1340


Ex. 1342

Ex. 1344

1340 1955 Five Year Plan (S13) (18-16) 8f “”Education”” complete 56 pcs in full sheet x 2. Total 112 pcs. CTO. Folded. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 1341 1955 Five Year Plan (S13) (18-16) 8f “”Education”” complete 56 pcs in full sheet. CTO. Folded. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 1342 1955 Five Year Plan (S13) (18-17) 8f “”Peaceful Life”” complete 56 pcs in full sheet x 2. Total 112 pcs. CTO. Folded. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 1343 1955 Five Year Plan (S13) 8f (18-14) block of 4 x 7 plus 6 pcs. Total 34 pcs. All CTO. Photo

Ex. 1343

HK$ 100 - 200

1344 1955 Five Year Plan (S13) 8f (18-4) complete 56 pcs in full sheet x 2. Total 112 pcs. CTO. Folded, slight toning. Photo HK$ 600 - 700 1345 1956 Tibet Highways (S14) 4f (3-1) block of 4 x 21. All with margin, 4 of them with serial no. margin. All CTO. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 1346

1956 Tibet Highways (S14) 4f (3-1) block of 4 x 23. Total 23 blocks. Some with margin, all CTO. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 1347 1956 Tibet Highways (S14) 4f (3-1) block of 4 x 35. Total 35 blocks. Some with margin. All CTO. Photo HK$ 300 - 400 1348 1956 Tibet Highways (S14) 4f (3-1) block of 4 x 36. Total 36 blocks. All CTO. Photo HK$ 200 - 300

Ex. 1346

Ex. 1345


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