2nd grade Instructional Guide

Best Practices In Science Education

Science& Engineering Practices (SEP)

5E Inquiry Cycle

What Teachers Do

What Students Do

Coaching Questions

● How are phenomena introduced in your classroom? ● How do you connect back with your phenomena each day? ● What is a phenomena that you used recently that students were able to successfully connect with and explain? ● How do you assess student understanding of a phenomena? ● Have you identifed/utilized the instructional guides to fnd the grade level progressions for this standard? ● What pre-assessment will you be utilizing to see student knowledge on this standard/ misconceptions prior to teaching it? ● What is your process of formative assessment to uncover misconceptions your students may have (e.g. starters, exit tickets, etc.)? ● Do the learning activities you have planned include structured partner/group discussions? ● How do you provide opportunities for students to collaborate, communicate, and critique their work? ● How are your students interacting with the phenomena ● How do you currently introduce the concept of developing models to your students? ● How do you guide students in selecting appropriate types of models for different scientifc phenomena or problems? ● How do you assess and provide feedback on the quality of students' models? What criteria or rubrics do youuse?

Teachers authentically engage students in science instruction

Students will engage with the phenomena by asking questions, determining what research, experiments, etc need to be performed for their learning, and connect their new learning back to the phenomena daily. Students will compare their beginning knowledge on a topic to their new knowledge, and will be able to discuss/write how their knowledge on the subject changed over time. Students should ask questions of each other about the texts they read, the features of the phenomena they observe, and the conclusions they draw from their models or scientifc investigations. Students will create, evaluate, and refne models. Models can include diagrams, physical replicas, mathematical representations, analogies, and computer simulations.

through observable, real-world, relevant

Phenomena based Instruction

Engage/ Evaluate

phenomena. Phenomena should drive the unit as a whole and lead students to deeper learning and greater engagement. Teachers activate prior knowledge to determine misconceptions prior to teaching new content. Helping students uncover their misconceptions and then compare their misconceptions Teachers will engage students by presenting phenomena in a variety of ways and allow students to brainstorm hypotheses and propose new questions. Teachers will provide and explicitly teach some models to students, or allow students to create models. Through purposeful feedback teachers will help students refne their models. with new learning forces students to address their misconceptions.

Combat Misconceptions

Entire Cycle

Defne problems andask questions


Develop models and abstract representations

Explore/ Explain

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